Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Xmas hols update!

So.... it appears to be going quite well so far!

Progressing through the workbook... nearly completely finished brief one and two!
Not looking forward to Red Bull if i'm honest!
Study plan and meeting logs are collated ready for binding!
Research methodologies case study is still floating around in my brain. Think i need to complete the workbook first then concentrate on that!

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Case Study.

Photography is a great passion of mine and I have tried to incorporate it into each of the briefs this semester. After finding out about World Press Photo it has got me incredibly excited and inspired to start the D&AD brief. I'm also considering basing my research methodologies case study around this organization, as its something i am now very intrigued by and believe it will be of enormous benefit to my practice in semester 2.

Talk bout the power of a photograph. These are the most emotive and powerful photos i have ever seen! I found myself sitting down in absolute shock at the imagery and content these photos have captured.


About World Press Photo
World Press Photo is run as an independent, non-profit organization with its office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where World Press Photo was founded in 1955.

The organization is controlled both by an independent executive board and a supervisory board, and employs around 25 permanent staff. The Amsterdam office acts as the hub for a network of professional contacts worldwide - it is this network that makes organizing the contest, exhibitions and other activities on such a large scale possible.

First and foremost, World Press Photo is known for organizing the world's largest and most prestigious annual press photography contest. Prizewinning photographs are assembled into a traveling exhibition that is visited by over two million people in some 45 countries worldwide. A yearbook presenting all prizewinning entries is published
annually in six languages.

World Press Photo is also deeply concerned with stimulating developments in photojournalism and encouraging transfer of knowledge - organizing the annual Joop Swart Masterclass as well as seminars, workshops and other educational projects all over the world.

Two main strategies for financing exist: broad-scale support from main sponsors, and project sponsorship and subsidies for individual activities. World Press Photo has two corporate sponsors worldwide - Canon and TNT - and receives support from the Dutch Postcode Lottery. The mix in sources of financing helps guarantee the organization's independence.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

imazing blog addresses

Monday, 8 December 2008

campaign posters....

inspired for another poster campaign... call girl cards in phone boxes!!!

Making Luv Bull an abject of desire rather than just a drink!

luv bull... dildo!... clearly having a bit too much fun now!

door hanger!

luv bull condoms...

...perhaps could come free with a drink (in clubs), given out at gum clinics etc! Promotes safe sex which is always a good thing!


Saturday, 6 December 2008

Ideas - luv bull

Luv Bull and Pink Bull will be the new mixing drinks... with natural energy boosting ingredients they are a more healthy and safer alternative to the current Red Bull drink.

Friday, 5 December 2008

logo development...

Red Bull

Week 2

This week has been a tough week, i feel we have all been experiencing slight lack of motivation towards the project. Which means we are now behind on the work. Obviously now we have a lot of work and not much time, so if i have learnt anything from this week its the famous keep on top of things notion. We just need to maintain a positive attitude towards it and feel confident in the good ideas we have produced throughout the project.

I personally have had fun designing logos for a couple of the drinks, experimenting with type and image has been very insightful into the world of logo design, something i have always stayed away from during my practice. Also spent a day looking at successful poster campaigns and then producing a simplistic campaign for the luv bull drink, using the existing can to create suggestive imagery that would appeal for the target audience.

From what i have learnt from the past week, in terms of motivating myself the others, i will take this on to the last week of our project by keeping myself energised and focused and plan my time in order to get all the work completed and looking good for the presentation!

REMEMBER>>> we are adding value to the Red Bull brand experience!

ut ohhhh we're in trouble!

We are now 6 days away from the presentation with a massive amount of work to do! on the basis on the large quanity of work we need done by wednesday we have made a decision to exclude the red bull kids drink (Baby Bull), as after researching this potential market of energy drinks for children the need for it was somewhat negative. From the parents we interviewed about this drink, all stated that they would not purchase it for their children, as they already have too much energy!

today we put together a list of all the things we need completed and whos going to do it!

Thursday, 4 December 2008

red bull


mission statement:

"We are dedicated to upholding Red Bull standards, while maintaining the leadership position in the energy drinks category when delivering superior customer service in a highly efficient and profitable manner. We create a culture where employees share best practices dedicated to coaching and developing our organisation as an employer of choice."

Red Bull improves endurance, increases mental alertness, improves reaction time, and eliminates waste substances. These are favorable for athletes, business people, and clubbers.

Strenghts -

- it gives you wings
- trustworthy, never changes, familiar brand experience -strong brand recognition
- prominent and eye-catching logo of two bulls and a yellow sun
- THE energy drink - leading brand
- Successful advertising and brand placement within extreme sports.
- Innovative can design - distinctive, slim can
- Consistence in its presentation over time.
- local television coverage from sponsored sporting events
- sponsors events that will appeal to individuals who have a natural inclination to use the product

Weaknesses -

- Small market - its a masculine drink associated with extreme sports - company is not reaching beyond the youth segment
- Carbonated and hard to glug down in one go.
- Tastes to sweet.
- When mixed with vodka, dancing, more vodka and more dancing it lead to multiple heart attacks/death.

- quite expensive
- Unhealthy - too much caffeine and sugar!
- effective slogan - gives you wings - faded
- considered a mixer more often than desired - really bad for you when mixed with alcohol

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Ideas - revolutionary

red bull logo experiementation - revolutionary

red bull logo experiementation - evolutionary

pink bull... idea for poster campaign..

Just an idea for the imagery, the slogan would be something along the lines of 'be individual', something like that, which highlights the fact that by being who you are, you stand out from the crowd and you are not afraid to!

Potential campaign idea for the luv bull drink. The can has been used to create images of a sexual nature, which would appeal to the younger audience.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

..mega unmotivated :-(

bloody hell... lacking serious motivation for this project!