Tuesday, 14 April 2009

decisions decisions...

I have decided that i will be creating a book for one of my two media channels instead of a title sequence, as i feel i dont have the efficient skills or time to complete the task for the deadline in May. A title sequenece is perhaps something i could always come back to and develop and create in the third semester. The book however will be exciting, creative and hand-made with witty illustrations and stories. Still carrying on with the idea of telling a story about a modern day alice, the book will be titled something like Down the Rabbit Hole, and subtitled ... A Modern Day Alice, by Alice. With witty narrative and illustration the book will be a fun and intriguing tale of a modern day Alice, which draws light on the subliminal messages of the traditional Alice in Wonderland. Which identifies the fact that there is a vast amount of references to drugs and hallucinating in such a famous childrens story.

I have created a facebook group and invited about 500 people of all ages to share any hallucinations they have had, which i will be able to include in my book! I will also conduct a video diary of a selection of people explaining their stories as primary research and something i will be able to show in my presentation for this brief.

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