Saturday, 29 November 2008


Week one reflection

This week was pretty crazy, after deciding to take on this brief by myself at the start i then had a reality check that it was a pretty stupid idea as theres a massive amount of work required for this project. So i therefore begged Jakub and Shi to take me back... bringing imazing back together! As a team we work incredibly well together and i think this is a brief that we can be really creative with and come up with some pretty crazy revolutionary and evolutionary ideas for the imfamous red bull!

As i came into the team half way through the first week i had a lot of catching up to do on looking at varous energy drinks, history of Red Bull itself, the market, trends, other brands that have had successful campaigns etc. I actually learnt quite alot over the couple of days i spent researching. Branding is not something that i have really explored before, so was interesting seeing how companies have evolved their brands over years.

After the first week we have made a few decisions about what routes we want to take with the red bull rebranding challenge.


- Natural energy drink (herbs) - natural energy boost.
- De-genderise - develop the identity into a more classy product, with no gender direction.
- white can with a gold logo - cut out of white, seeing the juice through the logo.
- tie in with the olympics 2012 - going for gold, strike gold - official sponsers of the olympics!
- ambient campaign - red bull challenge in the streets.


- Natural energy drink (herbs) - natural energy boost. NO CAFFEINE
- Red Bull Kids
- Red Bull Pink
- Red Bull XXX - new drinks - opening up the market
- completely change logo!

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